Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Handle Stress

You feel like your life is going so fast you can hardly hang one. The days seem to blur together and you just want break down and cry. You have so many issues that you need to resolve. Bills need to be paid, your future at your current employer is uncertain. You feel like the walls are closing in. DON’T worry! We’re here to help.
Step #1 Identify Issues-
Done? Good. You’ve taken the first step towards having a better tomorrow.For example, you’re stressed about work. One of the first action items would be when faced with an issue at work take 10 seconds to clear your head. The action items don’t need to be huge elaborate things. The more obtainable action items you have the greater your confidence will grow and stress reduce.Were your goals un-reachable? Repeat steps 1-3 and identify new action items and goals. Also maybe new challenges have arisen since you’ve identified your challenges. There may be a root cause of all your stress and we need to find it.

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We need to figure out what we’re dealing with so we can come up with an action plan to resolve these issues. Grab a piece of paper and right down all the challenges you’re facing. Write down all the things that you find over whelming, too hard to deal with. We will use these to set your goals and action items.

Step #2 Set Goals and Action Items
Now, you’ve identified your challenges that you face. It’s time to set your goals and action items. How are you going to fix these issues? What can you do that will make it so these problems never occur again? Encourage yourself to set small obtainable goals first.
Step #3 Stay On Task

It’s very easy to get knocked off course when dealing with stress. New stress relief steps that you take may seem like a huge inconvenience for you at first, but given time you’ll see their importance. Set a schedule for regular stress exercises such as the action items you set in step #2. The more loyal you are to your goals and action items the quicker your road to stress free work will come.

Step #4 Review and Modify

So by now it’s probably been a couple of weeks. How are you doing? Do you notice any changes in your behavior? If so what has changed? If nothing has changed, how faithfully have you followed steps 1-3? If you’ve followed the steps and guidelines thoroughly then it’s time to modify your action Items and goals.

Step #5 Don’t Give Up

Unfortunately stress is an everyday thing. So if you don’t take time out for yourself to identify your challenges then you’ll be right back at step #1. You’ve worked hard and it’s too late in the game to give up now! Keep up the good work!

Learn more about these principles that outlined above. Stop living in pain, sleepless nights, and body pains. The choice is yours to make a better life for yourself.